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Supervision Risk and Analysis provides analysis in support of the agency's core mission functions of supervision and supervision policy. The organization includes Economic & Policy Analysis, Economics & Risk Analysis, Office of Climate Risk, Supervision System & Analytical Support, and Systemic Risk Identification and Support.
Norman Williams Deputy Comptroller for Economic and Policy Analysis
The OCC uses quantitative and analytical skills provided by Economic and Policy Analysis economists to monitor and assess banking and financial market conditions. This research and analysis help advance the methodological tools used in risk measurement models, increase the understanding of banking issues, and inform policymakers.
OCC economists conduct original research to evaluate current quantitative methods, techniques, or models being applied in the financial industry; maintain, develop, and expand staff’s expertise in an area to be able to answer current and future banking policy questions related to bank lending, risk exposure, or risk management; and identify and assess emerging trends and risks related to the financial system. Their research spans a broad range of topics. While some of the research is for internal purposes only, a majority of the research is published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at academic, industry, or regulatory conferences. Learn about our research economists
View OCC Economics Publications including our On Point Economic and Policy Insights from the OCC, Economic Moments in History, and a collection of OCC Working Papers.
Chau Do Deputy Comptroller for Economics & Risk Analysis
The Economics & Risk Analysis divisions provide expertise on quantitative modeling of credit risk, market risk, and enterprise-wide risk to bank examiners and policymakers, conduct research in those areas, and deliver expert analysis of policy issues.
Dr. Yue (Nina) Chen Chief Climate Risk Officer
The Office of Climate Risk is responsible for the OCC’s efforts related to climate-related financial risk, in particular, ensuring larger banks have appropriate risk management frameworks addressing this risk.
Mark Pocock Deputy Comptroller for Supervision System & Analytical Support
Supervision System and Analytical Support (SSAS) oversees administration, development and enhancement of supervisory data, systems, reports and analytics and provides guidance and advice to bank supervision and other business units on their use to assure that supervisory systems, data, reports and analytics meet supervision objectives, support business intelligence and risk analysis and correlate with business unit needs.
The mission of Systemic Risk Identification and Support (SyRIS) is to identify, evaluate, and holistically address risks that impact the Agency's mission, to provide subject matter expertise across all risk disciplines, and assist in resource prioritization focusing on the highest risk financial institutions and companies, and to provide direct supervision to special purpose charters and service providers. This expertise is delivered using an integrated portfolio approach working in conjunction with SSAS to support all CBS supervision functions.