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Project REACh: Removing Barriers to Financial Inclusion

Project REACh: Removing Barriers to Financial Inclusion

Project REACh promotes financial inclusion through greater access to credit and capital. REACh stands for Roundtable for Economic Access and Change, and the project brings together leaders from the banking industry, national community organizations, business, and technology to reduce specific barriers that prevent full, equal, and fair participation in the nation’s economy.

  • Fact Sheet (PDF)

    Project REACh Fact Sheet

    The OCC recognizes that removing structural barriers to financial inclusion will result in broader participation in the economy and will help millions of people, previously left out of the system, to pursue their American dreams.

  • Project REACh: Symposium

    At the July 12, 2022 Project REACh Symposium, participants learned about actionable strategies to build measurable initiatives increasing economic and community development financing within economically disadvantaged communities.

    Visit the Project REACh Symposium page to learn more.

Project REACh Workstreams

  • Project Reach One Year Anniversary

    This OCC newsletter recognizes the progress of banks, community groups, and community development organizations to expand financial access and economic opportunity for millions of underserved individuals and small businesses.