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OCC Bulletin 2014-37 | August 4, 2014
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Chief Executive Officers of All National Banks and Federal Savings Associations, Federal Branches and Agencies, Department and Division Heads, All Examining Personnel, and Other Interested Parties
This bulletin provides guidance from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) to national banks and federal savings associations (collectively, banks) on the application of consumer protection requirements and safe and sound banking practices to consumer debt-sale arrangements with third parties (e.g., debt buyers) that intend to pursue collection of the underlying obligations. This bulletin is a statement of policy intended to advise banks about the OCC’s supervisory expectations for structuring debt-sale arrangements in a manner that is consistent with safety and soundness and promotes fair treatment of customers.
The guidance describes the OCC’s expectations for banks that engage in debt-sale arrangements, including
This guidance is applicable to all OCC-supervised banks.
Lending is the primary method by which banks meet the credit needs of their customers. A risk inherent in lending is that some debt will not be repaid. Pursuant to the Uniform Retail Classification and Account Management Policy guidelines, banks are generally required to charge off certain consumer debt when the debt is 180 days past due, and in some instances, earlier than 180 days past due.1 The majority of debt that banks charge off and sell to debt buyers is credit card debt, but banks also sell to debt buyers other delinquent debts, such as auto, home-equity, mortgage, and student loans.
Although banks charge off severely delinquent accounts, the underlying debt obligations may remain legally valid and consumers can remain obligated to repay the debts. Banks may pursue collection of delinquent accounts by (1) handling the collections internally, (2) using third parties as agents in collecting the debt, or (3) selling the debt to debt buyers for a fee. This guidance focuses on the third category of bank practice for fully charged-off debt.2
Most debt-sale arrangements involve banks selling debt outright to debt buyers. Banks may price debt based on a small percentage of the outstanding contractual account balances. Typically, debt buyers obtain the right to collect the full amount of the debts. Debt buyers may collect the debts or employ a network of agents to do so. Notably, some banks and debt buyers agree to contractual “forward-flow” arrangements, in which the banks continue to sell accounts to the debt buyers on an ongoing basis.
The OCC recognizes that banks can benefit from debt-sale arrangements by turning nonperforming assets into immediate cash proceeds and reducing the use of internal resources to collect delinquent accounts. In connection with charged-off loans, banks have a responsibility to their shareholders to recover losses.3 Still, banks must be cognizant of the significant risks associated with debt-sale arrangements, including operational, compliance, reputation, and strategic risks. Accordingly, banks that engage in debt sales should do so in a safe and sound manner and in compliance with applicable laws—including consumer protection laws—taking into consideration relevant guidance.
The OCC has focused on issues related to debt sales for several years and has highlighted the risks associated with this type of activity on a number of occasions. Beginning in 2011, the OCC conducted a review of debt collection and sales activities across the large banks it regulates. Through this work, the OCC identified a number of best practices that OCC large bank examiners have incorporated into their supervision of debt sales activities. In July 2013, the OCC provided a copy of this best practices document to the Senate Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection. In an accompanying statement, the OCC announced that the agency was using these best practices and insights gained from its on-site supervisory activities to inform the development of policy guidance applicable to a broader range of financial institutions. Since that time, the OCC has received comments and input from a wide variety of interested parties, including financial institutions, debt buyers and collectors, consumer and community advocates, and other governmental entities. The OCC has considered carefully all of this input in formulating the following guidance, which is applicable to all OCC-supervised institutions.4
Selling debt to a debt buyer can significantly increase a bank’s risk profile, particularly in the areas of operational, reputation, compliance, and strategic risks. Increased risk most often arises from poor planning and oversight by the bank, and from inferior performance or service on the part of the debt buyer, and may result in legal costs or loss of business.
Operational risk. Operational risk is the risk of loss to earnings or capital from inadequate or failed internal processes, people, and systems or from external events. Banks face increased operational risk when they sell debt to debt buyers. Inadequate systems and controls can place the bank at risk for providing inaccurate information regarding the characteristics of accounts, including balances and length of time that the balance has been overdue. In addition, banks should be cognizant of the potential for fraud, human error, and system failures when selling debt to debt buyers.
Reputation risk. Reputation risk is the risk to a bank’s earnings or capital arising from negative public opinion. Banks should be keenly aware that debt buyers pursue collection from former or current bank customers. Even though a bank may have sold consumers’ debt to a debt buyer, the debt buyer’s behavior can affect the bank’s reputation if consumers continue to view themselves as bank customers. Moreover, abusive practices by debt purchasers, and other inappropriate debt-buyer tactics (including those that cause violations of law), are receiving significant levels of negative news media coverage and public scrutiny.5 When banks sell debt to debt buyers that engage in practices perceived to be unfair or detrimental to customers, banks can lose community support and business.
Compliance risk. Compliance risk is the risk to earnings or capital arising from violations of laws, rules, or regulations, or from nonconformance with internal policies and procedures or ethical standards. This risk exists when banks do not appropriately assess a debt buyer’s collection practices for compliance, or when the debt buyer's operations are inconsistent with law, ethical standards, or the bank's policies and procedures. The potential for serious or frequent violations or noncompliance exists when the bank’s oversight program does not include appropriate audit and control features, particularly when the debt buyer implements new collection strategies or expands existing ones. Compliance risk increases when privacy of consumer and customer records is not adequately protected, such as when confidential consumer data are released before a sale of the data, or when conflicts of interest between a bank and debt buyers are not appropriately managed, such as when the debt buyers pursue questionable collection tactics.
Strategic risk. Strategic risk is the risk to earnings or capital arising from adverse business decisions or improper implementation of those decisions. Strategic risk arises when a bank makes business decisions that are incompatible with the bank's strategic goals or that do not provide an adequate return on investment. Strategic risk increases when bank management introduces new business decisions without performing adequate due diligence reviews or without implementing an appropriate risk management infrastructure to oversee the activity. Strategic risk also increases when management does not have adequate expertise and experience to properly carry out decisions. Decisions to sell debt to debt buyers must be carefully analyzed to ensure consistency with the bank’s strategic goals. Selling debt to debt buyers without first performing appropriate due diligence, or without taking steps to implement an appropriate risk management structure, including having capable management and staff in place to carry out debt sales, increases the bank’s strategic risks.
Debt-sale arrangements can pose considerable risk to banks that do not conduct appropriate due diligence to assess and manage those risks. Through its supervisory process, the OCC has identified instances in which banks agreed to sell debt to debt buyers without full understanding of the debt buyers’ collection practices. Banks should know what resources debt buyers use to manage and pursue collections and consider the debt buyers’ past performance with consumer protection laws and regulations.
The OCC has identified situations in which banks inappropriately transferred customer information to debt buyers. In these instances, banks gave debt buyers access to customer files so they could assess credit quality before the debt sale, without the banks first making proper customer disclosures, which was inconsistent with the banks’ internal privacy policies and applicable laws and regulations. The OCC also has identified instances in which banks, debt buyers, or both had inadequate controls in place to protect the transfer of customer information. In addition, the OCC has identified debt-sale arrangements between banks and debt buyers that lacked confidentiality and information security provisions. Debt-sale arrangements between banks and debt buyers should clearly specify each party’s duties and obligations regarding confidential customer information, and should include provisions requiring debt buyers to comply with applicable laws and consumer protections.
Through its supervisory process, the OCC also has identified issues related to the adequacy of customer account information transferred from banks to debt buyers, including situations in which the transferred customer files lack information as basic as account numbers or customer payment histories. In these circumstances, because the debt buyers pursue collection without complete and accurate customer information, the debt buyers may employ inappropriate collection tactics or engage in conduct that is prohibited based on the facts of a particular case (e.g., pursue collection on a debt that was previously discharged in bankruptcy or after the applicable statute of limitations).
Lastly, the OCC has found that some banks may lack appropriate internal oversight of debt-sale arrangements to minimize exposure to potential risks. For example, some banks have not developed and implemented bank-wide policies and procedures to ensure that debt-sale arrangements are governed consistently across their organizations.
The OCC expects banks to structure debt-sale arrangements in a prudent and safe and sound manner to promote the fair treatment of customers. OCC examinations assess management oversight of debt-sale arrangements and focus on compliance with applicable consumer protection statutes and potential safety and soundness issues. The OCC takes appropriate supervisory action to address any unsafe or unsound banking practices associated with debt sales, to prevent harm to consumers, and to ensure compliance with applicable laws.
OCC-supervised banks are expected to adopt appropriate practices in connection with debt sales. The OCC considers the following practices to be consistent with safety and soundness.
Perform appropriate due diligence when selecting a debt buyer. 6 Debt buyers pursue collection from former or current bank customers, so banks should fully understand the debt buyers’ collection practices, including the resources that debt buyers or their agents use to manage and pursue collection. Banks should perform appropriate due diligence before entering into debt-sale arrangements with debt buyers. For example, banks should assess the potential debt buyers’ background, experience, and past performance, including consumer complaints about the debt buyers, and assess steps taken by debt buyers to investigate and resolve the complaints. Before entering into any arrangements with debt buyers, banks should review all pertinent information (including audited financial statements) to confirm that debt buyers are financially sound and appropriately licensed and insured. In addition, before entering into debt-sale arrangements, banks should determine what repurchase and litigation reserves should be established given the size and type of debt sales contemplated.
Before a bank enters into a contract with a debt buyer, the debt buyer should be able to demonstrate that it maintains tight control over its network of debt buyers and that it conducts activities in a manner that will not harm the bank’s reputation. In particular, a debt buyer’s staff should be appropriately trained to ensure that it follows applicable consumer protection laws and treats customers fairly throughout the collection process. In addition, banks contemplating entering into a relationship with debt buyers should first assess the debt buyer’s record of compliance with consumer protection laws and regulations. Banks should conduct this level of due diligence before entering into new relationships with debt buyers, and periodically when forward-flow contractual arrangements are in place. Banks should reserve the right to terminate such relationships when appropriate. This means banks should develop and implement controls and processes to ensure risks are properly measured, monitored, and controlled, and develop and implement appropriate performance review systems.
Ensure debt-sale arrangements with debt buyers cover all important considerations. The structure of the arrangements between the banks and the debt buyers depends on the written contracts between the parties. The contracts should reflect clear, consistent terminology. To the extent that more than one business line at the bank sells debt, banks, if appropriate, should use standard language for all business lines’ debt-sale arrangements. Regardless of the structure of the arrangements, the duties and obligations of the parties, particularly provisions for confidentiality and information security, should be clearly delineated in the contracts, as should responsibility for compliance with applicable consumer protection laws. This includes a termination plan to ensure that customer information is returned to the bank or destroyed in accordance with the debt-sale arrangement. In addition, banks should include minimum-service-level agreements in debt-sale arrangements to promote fair and consistent treatment of customers, applicable whether debt buyers conduct the collection activities or employ other collection agents.
Banks should ensure that the debt-sale arrangements address the extent to which the debt buyers can resell debt. Each time account information changes hands, risk increases that key information will be lost or corrupted, calling into question the legal validity and ownership of the underlying debt. Moreover, resales of debt increase the possibility that subsequent purchasers will pursue collection efforts against the wrong individual, seek to collect the wrong amount, or both. Therefore, in drafting debt-sale arrangements, banks should address whether subsequent resales of former bank debt would be permitted. If so, debt-sale arrangements should obligate the initial debt buyer to conduct thorough due diligence on the proposed purchaser and to pass on all account information and documentation in its possession to a subsequent buyer.
Banks should ensure that contracts with debt buyers address the volume of accounts (both in terms of the total dollar amount and percentage of debt sold, as well as aggregate numbers of accounts) and the reasons why the debt buyer can litigate. Debt-sale arrangements should address the debt buyers’ obligations to engage in ongoing efforts to maintain the accuracy of the information provided by banks. Lastly, where applicable, banks should ensure that contracts do not include compensation provisions that incent debt buyers to act aggressively or improperly.
Provide accurate and comprehensive information regarding each debt sold, at the time of sale. Banks should ensure that their debt buyers have accurate and complete information necessary to enable them to pursue collections in compliance with applicable laws and consumer protections. Banks that engage in debt sales should have a strong risk management culture, including a quality control function that evaluates all proposed debt sales before they occur. This may involve the use of “data scrubs” and transactional sampling to ensure that account data are complete and accurate before accounts are transferred to the buyer.
For each account, the bank should provide the debt buyer with copies of underlying account documents, and the related account information, as applicable and in compliance with record retention requirements, including the following:
In addition, banks should refrain from the sale of certain additional types of debt because the sales of these types of accounts may pose greater potential compliance and reputational risk. These include:
If banks are required to repurchase accounts from debt buyers after sales are completed, the banks’ quality control personnel should evaluate why the accounts were returned and determine whether additional quality controls need to be implemented. If necessary, banks should complete look-back reviews to determine whether they or the debt buyers engaged in practices that hurt consumers.
Comply with applicable laws and regulations. Banks should implement effective compliance risk management systems, including processes and procedures to appropriately manage risks in connection with debt-sale arrangements. Examiners review banks’ debt-sale arrangements for compliance with applicable consumer protection statutes and regulations. In particular, banks should ensure that all parties involved in the debt-sale arrangement have strong controls in place to ensure that sensitive customer information is appropriately protected.
Federal laws and regulations applicable to debt sales include the following:
Examiners determine whether bank management has established controls and implemented a rigorous analytical process to identify, measure, monitor, and manage the risks associated with debt sales. If examiners find unsafe or unsound practices or practices that fail to comply with applicable laws or regulations, the OCC will take appropriate supervisory action, including enforcement actions, when warranted. When the OCC becomes aware of concerns with nonbank debt buyers, the agency refers those issues to the CFPB, which has jurisdiction over these entities.
Direct questions to Kathryn Gouldie, Retail Credit Expert–Large Bank Supervision, at (202) 649-6210; Kimberly Hebb, Director for Compliance Policy, at (202) 649-5470; Kenneth Lennon, Assistant Director for Community and Consumer Law, at (202) 649-6350; or Robert Piepergerdes, Director for Retail Credit Risk, at (202) 649-6220.
John C. Lyons Jr. Senior Deputy Comptroller and Chief National Bank Examiner
1 For closed-end credit, loans should be charged off when a loss is identified but generally not later than 120 days past due. Such open-end loans as credit card accounts must be charged off at 180 days past due. See OCC Bulletin 2000-20, “Uniform Retail Credit Classification and Account Management Policy: Policy Implementation” (June 20, 2000).
2 This guidance applies to all outright legal sales of charged-off debt by banks. This guidance does not apply when a bank has a residual interest in the debt that is sold (e.g., the bank continues to receive income from the debt, or the bank receives a percentage of any recovery by the debt buyer).
3 For the purposes of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council’s (FFIEC) Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income (also known as call reports), accounting for cash proceeds received, including timing of any revenue or recoveries recorded, and debt-sale arrangement terms such as representations and warranties, should follow generally accepted accounting principles and the FFIEC’s “Instructions for the Preparation of Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income.”
4 This guidance does not create any new legal rights against a bank that sells debt, either for a consumer whose debt is sold or for any other third party.
5 See “The Structure and Practices of the Debt Buying Industry” (Federal Trade Commission, January 2013).
6 Banks should follow the guidance for assessing and managing risk associated with third-party relationships that is detailed in OCC Bulletin 2013-29, “Third-Party Relationships: Risk Management Guidance” (October 30, 2013).
7 See 15 USC 1692.
8 An institution is not considered a debt collector under the FDCPA if the institution collects its own debts under its own name, or for debts that it originated and then sold but continues to service (e.g., a mortgage loan).
9 See FCRA at 15 USC 1681-1681x and Regulation V at 12 CFR 1022-1022.140.
10 For the general provisions of GLBA that govern disclosure of nonpublic personal information, see 15 USC 6801-6809. See also Regulation P, which implements the provisions of GLBA pertaining to privacy of consumer financial information, at 12 CFR 1016.
11 See ECOA at 15 USC 1691-1691f and Regulation B at 12 CFR 1002.
12 See 12 CFR 1002.2(m) (“Credit transaction means every aspect of an applicant’s dealing with a creditor regarding an application for credit or an existing extension of credit (including, but not limited to, information requirements; investigation procedures; standards of creditworthiness; terms of credit; furnishing of credit information; revocation, alteration, or termination of credit; and collection procedures”).
13 See 15 USC 45(a). The OCC enforces the FTC Act’s prohibition against UDAP pursuant to its authority in the Federal Deposit Insurance Act. See 12 USC 1818(b).